Friday, June 29, 2007

not in my name

i would like to make it known that i am aware that since the 50's there have been personalty profiles made on each and every one of us and the data is gathered from every outlet that you give out your information to, your credit cards, bank accounts, loyalty cards, web history, blogs, telephone conversations and everything you really think that the movement of our lives into an electronic track able world is for our benefit?

i would also like to make it known that i do not accept what is being done to humanity, i do not agree, i AM indignant and i see through what is going on here and here it is leading.

i am appalled at the violation of the privacy and dignity of the whole of humanity every single time were watched n a CCTV camera, every time our emails are pried into, every time were forced to give a census, every time the fruits of our labor is stolen through taxes, i am indignant at every single one of these invasions of personal integrity which is made up of dignity, privacy, value of human life, body, mind and morality.
every single time these things are breached anywhere on this planet to any person, i am outraged...and we all should be, if we don't look out for and feel for the dignity and rights of others we cannot expect others to fight for us, i say these things not just i defence of the people close to me but every single human being on this planet, it is a matter of basic survival that we all car about each other, its a matter of maintaining our humanity and moral integrity that we get outraged not just by the invasion of our own routine and dignity but the dignity of every single person on this planet.

This system is designed to be a self centred dog eat dog world, we're all atomised so much that when grave injustices are being done to our fellow man we walk on by...but i can tell you if we stay in this pattern when your time comes to be chipped or killed there wont be a voice speaking out for you.

Already most don't defend the rights of others and others don't defend the rights of us because of this...

i would like it known that i object to every single injustice, invasion of privacy, invasion of mind, crushing of spirit and in fact the existence whatsoever of this entire system, not in my name.
i do not acquiesce, i do not give this system permission, i will not have anything to do with such evil and for anyone involved in such activates reading this i want nothing to with what you re doing and i fully disapprove of what you are doing.


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