Friday, June 29, 2007

not in my name

i would like to make it known that i am aware that since the 50's there have been personalty profiles made on each and every one of us and the data is gathered from every outlet that you give out your information to, your credit cards, bank accounts, loyalty cards, web history, blogs, telephone conversations and everything you really think that the movement of our lives into an electronic track able world is for our benefit?

i would also like to make it known that i do not accept what is being done to humanity, i do not agree, i AM indignant and i see through what is going on here and here it is leading.

i am appalled at the violation of the privacy and dignity of the whole of humanity every single time were watched n a CCTV camera, every time our emails are pried into, every time were forced to give a census, every time the fruits of our labor is stolen through taxes, i am indignant at every single one of these invasions of personal integrity which is made up of dignity, privacy, value of human life, body, mind and morality.
every single time these things are breached anywhere on this planet to any person, i am outraged...and we all should be, if we don't look out for and feel for the dignity and rights of others we cannot expect others to fight for us, i say these things not just i defence of the people close to me but every single human being on this planet, it is a matter of basic survival that we all car about each other, its a matter of maintaining our humanity and moral integrity that we get outraged not just by the invasion of our own routine and dignity but the dignity of every single person on this planet.

This system is designed to be a self centred dog eat dog world, we're all atomised so much that when grave injustices are being done to our fellow man we walk on by...but i can tell you if we stay in this pattern when your time comes to be chipped or killed there wont be a voice speaking out for you.

Already most don't defend the rights of others and others don't defend the rights of us because of this...

i would like it known that i object to every single injustice, invasion of privacy, invasion of mind, crushing of spirit and in fact the existence whatsoever of this entire system, not in my name.
i do not acquiesce, i do not give this system permission, i will not have anything to do with such evil and for anyone involved in such activates reading this i want nothing to with what you re doing and i fully disapprove of what you are doing.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

9/11 jachin and boaz symbology

From Albert Pike's (the pope of freemasonry) Morals and Dogma:

"You entered the Lodge between two columns. They represent the two which stood in the porch of the Temple, on each side of the great eastern gateway. These pillars, of bronze, four fingers breadth in thickness, were, according to the most authentic

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account--that in the First and that in the Second Book of Kings, confirmed in Jeremiah--eighteen cubits high, with a capital five cubits high. The shaft of each was four cubits in diameter. A cubit is one foot and 707/1000. That is, the shaft of each was a little over thirty feet eight inches in height, the capital of each a little over eight feet six inches in height, and the diameter of the shaft six feet ten inches. The capitals were enriched by pomegranates of bronze, covered by bronze net-work, and ornamented with wreaths of bronze; and appear to have imitated the shape of the seed-vessel of the lotus or Egyptian lily, a sacred symbol to the Hindus and Egyptians. The pillar or column on the right, or in the south, was named, as the Hebrew word is rendered in our translation of the Bible, JACHIN: and that on the left BOAZ. Our translators say that the first word means, "He shall establish;" and the second, "in it is strength."

These columns were imitations, by Khūrūm, the Tyrian artist, of the great columns consecrated to the Winds and Fire, at the entrance to the famous Temple of Malkarth, in the city of Tyre. It is customary, in Lodges of the York Rite, to see a celestial globe on one, and a terrestrial globe on the other; but these are not warranted, if the object be to imitate the original two columns of the Temple. The symbolic meaning of these columns we shall leave for the present unexplained, only adding that Entered Apprentices keep their working-tools in the column JACHIN; and giving you the etymology and literal meaning of the two names.

The word Jachin, in Hebrew, is יכין, It was probably pronounced Ya-kayan, and meant, as a verbal noun, He that strengthens; and thence, firm, stable, upright.

The word Boaz is בעז, Baaz. עז means Strong, Strength, Power, Might, Refuge, Source of Strength, a Fort. The ב prefixed means "with" or "in," and gives the word the force of the Latin gerund, roborando--Strengthening.

The former word also means he will establish, or plant in an erect position--from the verb כון, Kūn, he stood erect. It probably meant Active and Vivifying Energy and Force; and Boaz, Stability, Permanence, in the passive sense.

The Dimensions of the Lodge, our Brethren of the York Rite say, "are unlimited, and its covering no less than the canopy of Heaven." "To this object," they say, "the mason's mind is continually

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directed, and thither he hopes at last to arrive by the aid of the theological ladder which Jacob in his vision saw ascending from earth to Heaven; the three principal rounds of which are denominated Faith, Hope, and Charity; and which admonish us to have Faith in God, Hope in Immortality, and Charity to all mankind." Accordingly a ladder, sometimes with nine rounds, is seen on the chart, resting at the bottom on the earth, its top in the clouds, the stars shining above it; and this is deemed to represent that mystic ladder, which Jacob saw in his dream, set up on the earth, and the top of it reaching to Heaven, with the angels of God ascending and descending on it. The addition of the three principal rounds to the symbolism, is wholly modern and incongruous."

So as we can see jachin and boaz are the pillars that hold up the entrance to Solomon's temple, now to explain the different parts of Solomon's temple i really don't have the time to do that, but i will explain the basics.

Masonic lodges are based in design on Solomon's temple and these two pillars hold up the entrance to it, Solomon's temple symbolises the masonic world and the system it has created,it symbolises the perfectly constructed Masonic system as well as the inner world of the initiated individual.
As you can also see jachin and boaz combined mean something like 'we establish in strength'.

Now the twin towers were representative of jachin and boaz, when you see two pillars like that in any form this is what it represents and the destruction of the wtc towers represents the destruction of these two pillars holding up the entrance, it is the destruction of the basis of this old system and then the building of the update to the system it symbolically says 'we can build up this system with our force and strength and we can tare it down and rebuild it in any way we see fit', 9/11 was used as the catalysing event described in the PNAC documents and it was the engineered trigger for the taring down of the old world and the building of the new.

So by the destruction of jachin and boaz they represent through masonic imagery the beginning of the dismantling of this old system and the building of the next phase which is to move from the perceived individuality of capitalism in to an age of collectivism via the use of technology, into an age of peace via the extinction of individual thought.
To symbolically move from the age of Pisces into the age of Aquarius.

From the ashes of 9/11 the elite exploited this event to its fullest potential and used it as the excuse to remove the last vestiges of the old system via extremely brutal and viciously evil wars on the old middle eastern countries who's cultures are far too old to be destroyed and so the people must be.

For those who are unaware Iraq is the site of Babylon, a very old culture with ancient archives and relics that give many clues as to the old system and some ancient wisdom important for understanding this system, however during the Iraq war the invading soldiers systematically destroyed or looted nearly every old archive, relic and document in Iraq, many of them to be sold to private bidders who had already 'bagsied' the items long before the Iraq war even started
This was the symbolic destruction of the old system and was continuing the symbolic updating of the system that was started on 9/11, and you will see all of the old middle east cultures like Iran, Syria, Lebanon and others raped and brutalised just as you have seen the same done to Iraq.

This is also just the beginning of their onslaught, to get their new updated system in place (which will be the complete conquering of the human soul and spirit to the point where the entire worlds minds are connected in to one hive technological unconsciousness) they will cause the most extreme turmoil, chaos, death, destruction and violence you have ever seen...there will be mass riots that they are more than ready for caused by the purposeful deprivation of the human needs, there will be war waged on us and all those terrifying weapons they've been building up and many we do not know about will be used on us to get us down to he required population, to create this new system means the utter destruction of the old and that will me huge mass deaths and the darkest times the human race has ever seen, think back to all the atrocities that have occurred under their system and you're no where near.

This is the final step into the final stage of the system and it will be utter and complete hell, intentionally...because the masons always bring order out of chaos.

If we don't all try to get the word out and try to live in a way that preserves the humanity and the freedom of each other then we are already dead.

We all need to evaluate what is worth more to us,gaining money and trinkets or preserving the human spirit which is the basis of life itself, because if we keep powering this system and giving it permission to carry on with our own acquiescence then we are building our own chains and walking ourselves directly into extermination.

I for one would like to say this system has been forced upon me, i pay taxes only out of the threat of force, i stay here only because i am forced o and i do not acquiesce to the evil and inhumanity this system causes, I DO NOT CONSENT.

Contacting me

Contact with those who are awake is a precious and rare thing, sometimes what causes many of us to lose hope in fighting this system is the crushing isolation, we may have people all around us but they are aliens in thought and spirit, many of them are not sentient and will allow themselvs to be led srait into the lions den.

we are probably the last generation of peopl with the ability or potential to become sentient, in a matter or a couple years is very possible that humanity will have been successfully exinguished, giving way to a world populated by microchipped cyborgs, if we can see the truth we need to band together, those with true spirit and humanity coupled with knowlege of the esoteric aspecs of the world must band together to share ideas, pull each other through and pick each other up when this world knocks us down.

So i would like to publicly say that i am open to any and all contact from anyone who wishes to talk to me owever i am notintersted in folk who wish to email me to convince me of my errors, or to impose on me a religion, belief system or group of any kind...but i am interested in free discussion, or simply those looking for someone to have a chat with.

My email address is:

and if i feel confident enough i can give you my phone number if youd like to talk that way, however it is very rare tat i use a telephone and im useless with them; i cant express what im thinking very well with them and i tend not to say much, so id really have to know you well to talk on the telephone.
nevertheless all email contact is welcome.

can ya spare a quid or two mate?

any donations are welcome by any method, i do other things besides this blog to get the word out and as such i do not have the time to slave in this system for my own greed and so if you wish to donate then they will be more than welcome.
any donation will be put toward photocopying and creating leaflets to spread the truth in my area, to buying research material which allows me to understand this system better and thus have a better grounding to spread the word.
anything donated in general will be put to the cause of freeing my fellow man.

Unlike most if not all manstream media outlets im not part of a corporation, i dont have a 'team' or sponsors, or funding and while it seems i don't do much work online im always struggling in real life in my local area to spread the truth and with the things i have to pay for its been difficult to get it off the ground so far because as soon as any money comes in it goes strait on essentials.
I can promise you any donation will be souly used for the dissemination of truth, which ultimately benefits humanity as a whole and makes your world freer overall.

Having said this it is not my aim to guilt anyone into parting with their money, but simply to convey to you the value of charity in the works of those who try to get the truth out.

below is a paypal button to donate, my paypal address is

you can also contact this email address to get my telephone number, address, or any other payment methods you like.

I am also open to discussion via my email address, any questions you have, any resources you cant find or any tips you require.

i dont claim to be anywhere near wise but i am more than happy to help anyone i can, if it aids the freedom and wisdom of mankind.

Jordan Maxwell

in my last post i claimed jordan maxwell helped out george lucas with the star wars symbology, i forget where i got this information and cant find anything backing this up.
So i neither confirm nor deny that information, however i do have a series of pictures of jordan with various freemasons and predicive programmers.
Anyone who really understands what these people are doing to humanity and the utter spiritual carnage these systems, organisations and psychopaths cause would not be having photgraphs of themselvs taken smiling and pally with these types.
Infact hollywood media is hugely responsible for the brainwashing of billions of people with predictive programming and culture creation, this brainwashing contributes a great deal to a world of 'the dead', it keeps people in the dark and it programs them to accept the atrocties to come, they are the druid hypnotists waving their wands of 'holly wood' and convincing the sheeple to vouluntarily and obliviously walk into the jaws of the wolf...they create the beasts of burden and the meat on the table as albert pike called them.

Even i know enough about these people to know that are whores of this system and grovel at the feet of the beast and i would not be able to stand even looking at them, it has been admitted by jordan himself hat he bought david icke over to america, which to me looks very much like a higher mason initiaing new blood into their alloted part, you dont need me to tell you that david icke is quite obviuosly a freemason and logic tells you what that makes jordan.

He is too far into the world of masonry and counter intellegence to be above suspicion in my book, if you know how this system works and especially how entertainment and 'cospiracy theorism' works youl know that to get where jordan has akes series connections, youl not get anywhere whatsoever in this system without playing their game, it is their system through and through and you dont get up the ladder by hard work but by initiation.

Anyhow, see what you think for yourself.

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Saturday, June 23, 2007

A notice

i would like to clarify that i do not associate myself with Alex Jones, David Icke or any other celebrity conspiracy researcher.
At one time i used to like them but about 7 months ago it clicked that these were a controlled opposition designed to trap those waking up to the agenda and lead them pied piper style into fantasy land.
They also simply could not be this popular and prolific without having huge teams of professionals doing a lot of it for them, also people who really tell the truth simple do not get this rich and open the doors that they have, they would need backers 'on the inside'.
David Icke churns out dozens of books and tours doing speeches, to produce one book of the size he does would take a few people years to produce, and anyone who is not a mason firstly would not get the funding to be published the way he has and secondly would not be as famous as he is...hes in films, hes got his books in major retail chains, he just simply could not get this far without being an agent of the system.
He also promotes the new age to the hilt which in itself is a wholly masonic religion, he promotes the use of psychoatcive plants Ala Alistair Crowley and generally promotes a lot of masonic doctrine which leads the believers down a path of fantasy with lizards and magic(thus misleading anyone beginning to wake up) and it also has aspects of counter intelligence in that as soon as you mention any truth to anyone they've already associated genuine research with fantastical conspiracy theories(lizards, new age hologram theories, all sorts of magic and hallucinogen use) and so you're not listened to.
I also remember Jordan Maxwell saying how he made David Icke famous, Jordan Maxwell has admitted in one of his videos that he helped George Lucas with the symbolism in the star wars films and knows many Hollywood folk(has pictures of himself with them), you don't get this far up the system without being a mason and if you have any integrity you will not be bought off by the masons to create the symbology for mind controlling movies that both mock the victim and predicatively program the public, he has also admitted he comes from a mafia based family, and if hes the one who's made David Icke famous then there's no doubt in my mind that Dave Icke is initiated as you simply will not be made famous by a mason if you are not one of them.

As for Alex Jones, for a start he is part of the patriot movement, which is pure fantasy as America was built on an openly masonic system and by nearly all Freemasons, he seems to suggest that America can be saved and also promotes Christianity, both patriotism and Christianity are masonic inventions.
He again leads people off into a wild goose chase of trying to preserve some golden past that never existed and tries to kid us that America at one time was a truly free country, this elite in control now has been here for thousands and thousands of years and every system that's existed has been created for their benefit and America is very openly masonic, so trying to retain some sort of golden age is utterly futile, but it again traps anyone who has worked out that some thing's wrong into a different fantasy land and they lose sight of what it is they should be fighting for.
I used to listen to a lot of his shows and he seems to scare the hell out of everyone then when the listener is scared stiff he tries to sell them everything under the sun, gold, silver, water filters, ration packs, health supplements, magic cures, special remedies etc. these are the actions of a man who is out to make money not to spread truth.
He also does so so many movies, shows, protests and works out and takes care of his family he simply could not do this without funding (which in this system doesn't come without being a brother) and a huge team of people researching and setting everything up for him, and as for being friends with the likes of Keanu Reeves and Charlie Sheen, that simply does not happen to the uninitiated.

So i would like to clarify that even though i have left sum Alex Jones and David Icke stuff up that i broke out of that conditioning about 7 months ago and i whole heartedly believe that these two along with any celebrities of the popular 'conspiracy theory' movement, promoters of the christian patriot movements, the new age 'nothing is real' movement or promoters of the 'grey aliens' squad are the controlled opposition and are out to fool unsuspecting folk who are just waking up and are looking for someone to follow.

The masons always give us leaders to follow and when you see anyone becoming this popular and this promoted and spouting some truth mixed in with fantasy be very careful.

I fully dissociate myself from the previously mentioned groups and people.

infact i fully disociate myself from any group, label, mass movement, leader, social group or whatever.

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Sunday, June 10, 2007

A quote

Here's a quote from Carl Jung that i thought had some truth in it, i am currently reading C.G Jung's book 'the undiscovered self', now even though his father was the highest ranking mason in Switzerland, he was bought up in a masonic household and the likes his work still has some good insight into human nature and individuality, the information to decipher this system, its symbols, how it manipulates us and how it works as a whole plus some gems of wisdom are hidden here and there in the books of the elites themselves, the key is to know who does what in elite circles, find their works and extract from it the gems that will be amongst their inevitably warped masonic views on everything.
There's no point discounting works just because the writer was a mason, because you'd have nothing left to research! The publishing industry is Masonic owned and run and you simply wont get published otherwise, also the place you're going to find the nuggets of wisdom are in the elites books themselves, who knows better than them about the cons they're pulling off?

They also have a code within their own circles that as a legalism they will tell us exactly what they're doing, have done and will do to when it happens we have been informed and have chosen to stay in the system, its also the masonic ritual of 'mocking the victim' they openly write about all this stuff, they flatly admit what they are doing and if you take all the admissions from the works of every elitist you are left with an astonishing mass of brazen admissions and open detailed discussion of exactly whats going on, however by the masses own apathy and denial they cannot see what is right in front of them, thus they mock the victim by showing them exactly what they're doing, but the victim does not see.

I would like to say that what i write does not reflect the quality of my research or the orderliness and cohesiveness of my mind, i have spent years researching a wide range of sources to find the little gems of truth hidden in various nooks and crannies and in my mind the symbology and issues i discuss are ordered logically and are based on sane and sound judgement and unscrupulous analysis however when i begin to type up what is in my mind it somehow becomes jumbled between my mind and my hands typing it, I'm not sure why this is.
one reason i can think of is that i do not think in words but in sort of working models of systems that represent what i have researched in my mind, this is hard to put into words.
Also i enjoy writing but i rarely have the time to properly proofread what i write.
And thirdly i am using a broken keyboard, some letters do not appear unless you pound the keys really hard and i tend not to look at the monitor when i type.

Anyhow, here is the Jung quote:

"The infantile dream state of the mass man is so unrealistic that he never thinks to ask who
is paying for this paradise. The balancing of accounts is left to a higher political or social authority, which welcomes the task, for its power is thereby increased; and the more
power it has, the weaker and more helpless the individual becomes. Whenever social conditions of this type develop on a large scale the road to tyranny lies open and the freedom of the individual turns into spiritual and physical slavery." C.G. Jung 'The undiscovered self'

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Wednesday, June 06, 2007


The aim of this new world order is to slowly and by complete all round indoctrination from every source imaginable chip away at the value of human life, they want population control as a goal in the near future but to get away with this and for people to not be bothered about human life they need to slowly over a long time of carefully constructed social and psychological engineering degrade human life and its sacredness to the point where it is worth nothing.

We have already come a long way, women are killing their babies on command, human genetic materiel is being put into animals and food and being fed back to us, human fetal tissue is used in inoculations and as an age treatment tissue from fetuses is being injected.
We also have the china man who ate a foetus as some sort of 'art exhibit', we have the global organ trade where bits of people are harvested at is they were corn, we have the execution victims in china being immediately cut up and used for their parts as you would take apart a car and most recently this dutch TV show where people send in videos and say why they should win a woman's kidney.

There will be all sorts of sob stories about why we need to do these things but the bottom line is that humans are to be made the least valuable creatures on earth, we are being put in our place as worthless 'human resources' to be used at the will of the system.
This gradual exposure to more and more debasing things, the endless stream of sex, violence and torture in all media, the endless news stories of more and more extreme genetic modification and organ harvesting are all designed to make us believe we have no value.

For every stage of the system there has been a corresponding religion which is intertwined with and almost one with the system so peoples spiritual and religious beliefs support the system and vice versa, they take the human need to understand god and themselves and manipulate it to their favour.
Now in this just passed capitalist part of the system there was protestantism and the protestant work ethic which suggested those who gained the most money were favoured by god etc..ill not go into it too much here, research for yourself if you're unfamiliar with it.
Now we are entering the new age and the new updated segment of the system the new religion is being phased in, it is to be a form of earth worship where the human beings needs are subordinate to those of the animals and the earth itself.
in its religious sense it will be characterised by worship of the earth mother, gia, Isis and all other goddess figures of the new age, the feminine has always represented earth and masonic symbology the female reflects the glory of the mother but has no spirit of her own, she is illuminated by the male and is only alive when following him.
Hence why the moon is said to be female and wherever you have an obelisk you have a female reflecting pool (the mother is your mater(matter)).
So any goddesses worshipped in the new age relate to earth worship, this earth worship also is rapidly manifested in the policies of the fast emerging Eco fascism were experiencing right now, we are told our old capitalist ways are destroying the planet, it is our fault and we must change our lives completely according to their specifications to save the earth.
We already are seeing the emergence of the 'environment' taking priority of the freedom, dignity and privacy of the individual.
In the UK local councils discovered that if they collect the trash every 2 weeks instead of every 1 weeks they notice a 7 per cent increase in recycling, because of this trash is now collected every 2 weeks, this mean that now its summer our streets stink, we are over-run with rodents, maggots and flies, they are well aware of this but because of this amazing 7 per cent increase in recycling this system stays...this sends out a clear message that a small increase in recycling is more valuable than the living conditions of us worthless humans, that this tiny bit of recycling is far more important than the health and dignity of human beings, that us living in our own filth is subordinate to 7 percent more recycling...this is how little human beings are worth these days.

Let me make it extremely clear that the elite couldn't give two hoots about the environment, they are pragmatic and use any forms of coercion that work regardless of what it is as long as they take our freedom and forward their agenda it doesn't really matter to just happens that this time they have chosen environmentalism, for quite some time we have been bombarded with endless propaganda that out lifestyles and habits are destroying the earth, this guilt and fear will allow them to do whatever they want to people under the guise of saving the planet and people wont mind submitting to anything as long as its good for the environment.
Already in my country if your drop a cigarette stub we are soon to be fined £80, if you put recyclable trash in wit your normal trash you are to be fines hundreds of pounds, our trash cans are to be micro chipped to monitor how much trash we use, and there are no protests and no rebellions against is just immediately accepted because of the years of propaganda that it is our lifestyles that are killing the planet and so we must be regulated, watched, controlled and degraded to 'save the planet'.
It matters little if these measures would actually benefit the environment and i doubt they do, the climate changes in cycles of 16 and 32 thousand years anyway and we are long over due, plus the fact that the elite are constantly spraying the sky with poisons, weather changing concoctions and aluminium particles to increase the potency of haarp: a device which warms the atmosphere and which Tesla himself was scared of as it has the potential to superheat the atmosphere.
I suspect there will be extreme and scary weather in the near future to convince the last of the non believers that they must submit to this new age of earth worship and the earth coming before human value before were all killed by this extreme weather...the only thing is that it will not be caused by our waste or energy inefficiency but the arsenal of weather changing devices they've amassed over hundreds of years.

So this environmental nonsense that we all need to be watched and all need to radically change our lives in tune with what the state tells us helps the environment is the next stage of the system and the method they've chosen to bring it in and erode the worth and freedom of us all...they don't give a damn about the environment: in fact they're the ones altering it and blaming it on our lifestyles. to gain power over us and take us into complete and utter tyranny.

Below is a prise winning photograph which i felt represented the organ harvesting business and how the system views us in general.
I think its simply called 'boy and vulture', name of the artist is included on the picture.

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