Friday, July 06, 2007

Company hired to fingerprint and ID card britain's children linked to guantanamo bay

"Sunday, July 1st, 2007
Schools Biometric Company Linked To Gitmo
By Mick MeaneyRINF Alternative News

VeriCool, one of the companies responsible for fingerprinting thousands of British schoolchildren, has been linked to inhumane detention centres, Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib.A startling development as the British government seemingly knows nolimits when it comes to - not only the risks of mass surveillance - but is alsowilling to support immoral and unethical corporations using their technology on our children.

VeriCool has installed fingerprinting systems including registration and cashless lunch systems in at least 22 British schools. Anteon, parent company of VeriCool, was recently bought by General Dynamics Information Technology, a defence who also trained Guantanamo Bay interrogators.VeriCool has partnered up with Capita Education Services, who boast a client base of over 22,500 British schools - and 5,000 are already using VeriCool compatible software.

Parent company, Anteon, currently runs interrogation and counterintelligence courses at US Army Intelligence Centre headquarters, Fort Huachuca in Arizona.How blatant can the government make it that Britain is becoming a nation of suspects, where personal data can be accessed without just reason in a complete surveillance society, while they reward corporations that are willing to push the limits of human decency."

Yet another example of the fascism known as public private partnerships, i'm not sure where to begin on this one to be honest.

For a start the name vericool (very cool) is a from of linguistic programming to make the company friendly to the children and maybe even assign status to using their id systems.

This is also reminiscent of all the other public private partner ships that have all had their noses in anything nasty, the biggest one today being the current us government and the oil and defence companies they own, this harks all the way back to companies like ford, general electric and ibm funding the nazi concentration camps (and ibm creating the ID tatooing system system for the inmates).

I'd also like to point out that this is preconditioning to get school children ready for the cashless, tracked and eventually chipped global tyranny that is just around the corner.

The world in small increments and piece by piece is being turned into a concentration camp, maybe we wont even have to be herded into them this time, it looks like theyre being built around us bit by bit.


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