Friday, July 06, 2007

US airforce documents detailing mind control devices

you can find the rest of the screen shotted documents below at:

click on the 11mb 'ancillary volume', i used pages 89-90 of the document and pages 99-100 of the actual pdf file.

When revelations like this appear in the public albeit obscure domain it is a form of legalistic masonic law, the idea is that by telling us we are giving tacit consent, the idea being that many of us have access to the Internet and so if we don't make the effort to look for these documents or if we don't complain about these things according to their reasoning we have not objected to whatever it is they're doing to us.
I also suspect it is a form of mocking the victim and thirdly i also suspect that they leave the basics of the truth of the world atomised in publicly available documents to test to see how many of us are awake and looking for the truth, to see how many of us discuss it and to see which people are intelligent enough for them to hire into their own ranks.

I would however like to point out this is still low level information and whenever you get any scientific reports (in any media) of what is possible and what might happen they are already using it, not only that but the technology would already be obsolete...the technology were allowed to see is at least a few hundred years behind what the elites really have, this is because if the 'common' person were allowed to be at the same level of technology as them then the 'profane' may stand a chance of seriously causing trouble in their system as knowledge, science, technology and medicine are power and they cannot have us at the same power level if they are to be safe in their position.

Technology is always this far behind so when they do start using their advanced technology on us it will seem like either magic, aliens or a natural disaster; if people knew they had machines to control the weather (which by the way is even coming out in newspapers these days) then when the weather starts going bananas people are less likely to believe that its global warming and people might just turn on the elites.
In the near future we are going to see all manner of weird, crazy and extreme events that will be portrayed as paranormal or natural disasters, but i can assure you with the technology they have now any sensual illusion, extreme weather, earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, appearances of aliens or god like creatures in the sky etc. can be created by the elites themselves, so do not be taken in by the disastrous and weird events that are to come in the next 20 years.

I do not place the images themselves on this blog because the images are shrunk beyond legibility if i do that anyway, so i may as well just post the links to them on here.
Anyhow, here's the screen shots of the American air force 'speculatively' discussing what mind control devices 'might' be there in the future:

screen shot 1:

screen shot 2:

screen shot 3:

screen shot 4:

the image below is my own basic flow diagram of how a project like this would be funded and developed, its entitled 'Basic flow diagram to show how mind control projects are funded and developed' Copyrighted by Simeon (of, you can use this image on your own site or blog as long as you credit me and this blog and use its original title.

you can however apply this to any and all government projects to control us, the main point of this is that by working in and staying in this system we fund these kinds of projects, all told with all taxes in consideration we are working at least 50% of our time to fund the devices, wars, police, armies and bureaucracies that are building these chains of tyranny around us.
Simply by living and working in this system we fund our own ultimate oblivion, that is the only way you'll survive if you stay within this system and its designed as such.

This world works by indoctrinating the masses from birth to be happy with, believe in and slave for this system, we are then heavily brainwashed by force of law for at least 13 years (which really is an incredible amount of time if you think about it) and when we reach the age when were fit enough to be slaves we work to continue paying for the chains to keep us ordered, continue agenda to bring us towards their 'great work' and to fund the means of indoctrination that will be used on our children to continue the supply of slaves for the system.
So we really do slave over half of our lives for our feudal overlords, we relly need to consider what life is worth, are we here to slave for the system and spend our lives pursuing material ends, or is there something more to being a human?

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